About Satanic San Francisco

Satanic San Francisco is a group of people committed to building the world that we want to live in. While personal beliefs may vary, as a whole, the group is atheistic. We believe that science should be employed to determine which decisions are best for humanity. As progressives, we believe that humanity should be becoming more bountiful, equal, and accepting. A few times a year, we organize Satanic community-building events, like Black Mass and Satanic movie screenings, and offer a social base for grassroots Satanic activism.

What is atheistic religion?

There are several different interpretations as to precisely what “atheistic religion” means. We adhere to scientific skepticism, in keeping with the satanic agenda of the Satanic Temple. While we do not regulate individual beliefs, we do not take on group projects or causes that assume a belief in the supernatural. Well, unless there is a clear undertone of irony or fantasy. After all, understanding how humans work in regard to religion does not preclude its usefulness. Religion is a social tool. Why throw a tool in the trash just because you know how it works? And, let’s be honest: it’s fun to don black cloaks and steal into the woods by moonlight to drink wine and defile Bibles.Satanic San Francisco

Satanic San Francisco

What is Satanism not?

We are not devil worshipers. In fact, we don’t worship anything. Satanic San Francisco employs activism and community events in place of worship. Hopefully this will help members to feel socially connected and to improve as individuals. We do not adhere to the philosophy of lex talionis, or “might is right.” We do not adhere to supernatural beliefs. You should also be aware that we are not an official chapter of the Satanic Temple (TST) or the Church of Satan. In fact, Satanic San Francisco is not associated with any specific branch of Satanism.

What does Satanic SF do?

Satanic San Francisco meets to discuss modern Satanism, to plan potential projects, and to host community building events, such as Satanic rituals. For example, we enacted an envelope stuffing to “curse” the lawmakers who passed HB2, the infamous, transphobic “Bathroom Bill” in North Carolina. We sent each lawmaker a copy of Eliza Gauger’s Hex of Obsolescence. This Problem Glyph was designed specifically to address transphobic policing of public restrooms.

We feel that the Church of Satan did an excellent job of describing why we find Satanic rituals to be useful: “[I]t serves as a means to purge oneself of unwanted emotional baggage that might be hindering a daily pursuit of joy in life. … The pageantry of ritual is a drama meant for emotional stimulation, not a belief in or worship of any power higher than the projected will of the magician.” This sums up what Anton LaVey would have called, “the intellectual decompression chamber.”

A ritual’s content depends on what our group currently needs–and which resources are available. Members design rituals using a variety of background sources, from 16th century accounts of witchcraft to Satanic-themed movies.

Get Involved with Satanic San Francisco

We’re a group of do-ers! Connect with your fellow Satanists! You can find upcoming events if you like our Facebook page. We also host a regular munch at Wicked Grounds (289 8th St., San Francisco) on the second Thursday of the month from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Please note that this is an 18+ venue.

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